Customer service

You can see in what store product is located by clicking "Availability in shops" button in product page.

 Further information is available via phone: +372 5919 6111.

You can request information about spare parts via email Please add picture or video of spare part you are interested in.

If you have bought a product from us and are havign trouble with it, then please send us email to and add problem description. If possible, include picture or video about problematic part.

Product is available within the displayed time in the current country. If the product is not in our warehouse the new shipping time will be displayed. Shipping will be longer (approximately 5-10 working days) for orders outside Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. Shipping outside Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania will cost 20€-40€ depending from the order location. For more information please view our terms and conditions. If the product is on order, the arrival date will be displayed. In some cases arrival date can not be displayed, but the product can still be bought and reserved when it arrives. For further information please contact us.